Wednesday 2 February 2022


 The old evolution vs creationism argument is never-ending and it seems to be central to christian beliefs.

Robert (the apathetic sinner and toilet cleaner) mentions creationism a lot in his posts and firmly believes that his god created humans in his own image which doesn't really explain why we all look so different. Maybe old god didn't create a decent mirror back in the day and every-time he looks at himself the image is a bit distorted.

Here's Robert's latest post ...........

......  in which he once again acknowledges the existence of a 'creator'.


"I might have concluded "Creation needs an intelligent creator".

           - Robert the apathetic sinner and toilet cleaner 

I'm in that other camp that believes in evolution so I guess there's no possibility of agreement with Robert. Maybe we should meet somewhere in the middle:

1 comment:


 Someone started a thread in this blogging community and it is unravelling at a fast pace, spurred on from some theological nonsense courtes...