Friday 8 March 2024


In his latest post Robert 'really ripped in to' the NZ Catholic Church, almost calling them  abusers of children ... well, almost. In his editorial on the article he copied and pasted he wondered this:

"I found this on vatican news. I do feel that One news has acted as judge and jury on the ex Cardinal though. We should not tolerate the abuse of children; but let's make certain we are absolutely sure before destroying someone's reputation."
Strong words indeed by someone who before has refused to accept any wrong-doing by the odious Catholic Church. It's small beginnings I guess and, one day, particularly if he undergoes some sort of memory recovery through hypnosis, he might admit that either he was fiddled with or he knows someone who was.

Here's his post:


If you read that you would have noticed that the report said 

''An extensive investigation reveals that the Church in New Zealand has received 1,680 reports of abuse against Catholic clergy, men and women religious, and lay people from 1950 to today, with the President of the New Zealand's Bishops describing the findings as “horrifying”.

I wonder what Robert found in that that was ambiguous.

 And this ...

The New Zealand Catholic Church has revealed that 14 percent of its diocesan clergy (nearly one in seven) has been accused of abusing children and adults since 1950.The figures emerge from an extensive research conducted at the request of the Royal Commission on Abuse in Care, which was set up in 2018 by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

... where the Catholic Church itself admitted the abuse.

"But let's make certain we are absolutely sure before destroying someone's reputation." say's Robert.



  1. At least Brother Benedict made it to Heaven.

    Richard (of RBB)

    1. “If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?”

  2. Brother Benedict would have caned you for saying that!

    Richard (of RBB)

    1. As long as the cane was the only ‘stick’ he used on me I wouldn’t mind.

  3. Glad you're happy then. Fr. Minto only used the other one. A man of direction.

    Richard (of RBB)

  4. '' if he undergoes some sort of memory recovery through hypnosis, he might admit that either he was fiddled with or he knows someone who was.''
    Hypnosis has been largely discredited as a tool for retrieval of previous experiences, including past lives. It's too open to suggestion. The chap who is accusing Cardinal Dew said the memories came to him over time! Then a psychologist came on the screen saying this happens. I'm sure there are other psychologists who would say ' hang on, just a minute...'.
    That I was touched inappropriately does not undermine the teachings of Jesus or the dogma of the Catholic church. There are always a few bad eggs in every organisation, man is a fallen creature.

    1. I didn’t suggest that the teachings of Jesus or the dogma of the Catholic Church were undermined by this cover up - those things can be discredited on the grounds of common sense. This is all about the lies that went on for decades about sexual impropriety, molestation and rape by priests, brothers and nuns.

    2. 'those things can be discredited on the grounds of common sense'. Common sense for millennia has argued in favour of our need for redemption and our need to acknowledge and thank a Creator.

    3. Maybe you want to reread what you wrote Robert as it makes no sense.

    4. Nonsense to you is erudite to everyone else.

    5. Well, I guess that told me.


  5. I've got more comments than you.

    Richard (of RBB)

    1. Is this a five day match like the cricket?

    2. Richard is just reliving his glory day (singular intentional).

  6. Gosh, this post could get to 71 comments!

    Richard (of RBB)



 Someone started a thread in this blogging community and it is unravelling at a fast pace, spurred on from some theological nonsense courtes...