Sunday, 7 June 2020


One in eight young Australians believe that Bill Gates is responsible for spreading Covid-19 using 5G technology.


Does this sound strange to you?

Do you want to know how many people believe that the universe was created by a mythical being that has no boundaries?

This being has split itself into three different entities including itself which it self-names God the father. It got one of its entities to impregnate a virgin woman (who remained a virgin after giving birth) to create the third entity. This third entity died, resurrected and shot off up into 'heaven' later  pulling up his virgin mother to sit with him somewhere 'up there'. This entity left parts of its body and blood behind - in a never to be exhausted supply - for human believers to munch and quench on in an archaic and arcane weekly religious service  - or so the story goes. The story is force-fed to young people in Catholic schools via Catechism and Christian Doctrine.

No wonder that so many young people believe that thing about Bill Gates. To be honest, given the other claptrap, the 5G conspiracy sounds quite plausible.


Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...