Wednesday, 10 March 2021


I worried, in one of my dreams last night whether Robert's dog Jaxon was going to heaven or not. To go to heaven, under Robert's church's rules, Jaxon would have to be a catholic since, according to the silly rules of the catholic church, only catholics who have confessed their sins can go to heaven. Everyone else including even the most 'god-fearing' non-catholics have to go to hell apparently.

I checked up on the catholic church's rules just to make sure (Robert has been known to get things wrong) and discovered this on a site named Catholic Answers:

What happens to pets when they die? Are they allowed into heaven?
In order to answer the question we must first define heaven. According to the Catechism, heaven is a “state of supreme, definitive happiness” that involves a perfect “communion of life and love with the Trinity, with the Virgin Mary, the angels and all the blessed” (CCC 1024).
This definitive state of human happiness and communion of life and love presupposes the powers of rational knowledge and love, which animals do not have. Therefore, no non-human animal would be able to experience “heaven” as defined.

Sorry Jaxon.

Catholic Answers went on to say that even if animals had the powers of rational knowledge and love, they still wouldn't be allowed into heaven because they don't have souls.

Oh yeah, the catholic church are at it again with their slippery and weasley logic. If they seem to contradict themselves they just throw in a few more contradictions and nonsense to confuse the 'believers'.

I decided to look up 'soul' and got this dictionary meaning:

the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.

emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, especially as revealed in a work of art or an artistic performance.

OK, it seems that Catholic Answers is at loggerheads with the English language. No real surprises there I guess as they are doubtless at loggerheads with reason, sanity, commonsense, history, philosophy, judgement, science and a whole lot of other things.

What is a soul though?

Here's what the catholic church and, indeed, christianity has to say on the subject ..........

 ..............  Just kidding. I won't subject any of you to the mealy mouthed idiocy that exists trying to justify this stupid christian belief. Believe me, there are millions of pages of this stuff which mostly goes along the lines of this:

The soul is basically our mind, our emotions, and our will. It is who we are as human beings. But it is also used to express God. As written in Luke 1:46-47, Mary’s Song, “And Mary said: My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
In this verse, we can see that Mary uses her soul to glorify God and then uses the spirit to rejoice in what God has done to save her. Glorifying God is a human behavior and human responsibility. We express our humanity to God through our soul, and we magnify His power and presence through our soul.
Although we express God’s magnanimity in our soul, we can never express God’s power through our soul because it is our humanity. We can do good works and be godly and still fall short. We can never express God’s love for us through our soul alone. We then need the spirit to express God’s love.

I gave up after that.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021


 * With apologies to the Gospel of Luke 12:28 - " Wherfore yf God so cloth the grasse, yt is to daye in ye felde, and tomorow shalbe cast in to the fornace, how moch more shal he clothe you, o ye of litle faith?" who was only just better at spelling than Robert is.

 I'm making reference to those cynical bastards who head up the Destiny Church who prey upon hardworking and low earning people with too much 'faith' in them who fund these bastards' lavish lifestyle.

These arseholes fled Auckland on the deadline of the Level 3 CODID-19 lockdown so they could get to Level 2 regions in order to continue their 'evangelising'.

Why do I write evangelising in inverted commas?

Here's why:


Did you read that? If not, no matter as I can take out the key points for you. Just trust me.

But the Tamakis weren't prepared to be confined by the lockdown, so headed to Rotorua where Destiny has a church.

The following morning, Hannah Tamaki took to the stage during the Sunday service to explain their reasons.

"So of course we escaped down to Rotorua, got here just after 12am because the shutdown was at 6am, and Mark and Daniel got down here to help us do this," she said.

"But it was better for us to be here - be in the atmosphere, be able to do this for you. So thank you for all the team that has made this happen."

Tamaki went on to encourage members to do more than just tithe to the church.

"The thing about Brian and I the whole time is that we've always believed you never come to the house of the Lord empty-handed, even though you may do an AP [automatic payment].

"One dollar coin, two dollar coin, bring something into the house of the Lord. Bring what you can, over and above, because really it's the offering where God commands the blessing.

"The tithe is being obedient, so you bring 10 per cent. That belongs to God. And then you get to thrive on the 90 per cent.

"And then if you go over and above and give a little bit more for an offering, that's where God commands the blessing. So it's up to you - you make the decision, you make the choice."

She described the blessings that people could expect in return, like new cars, while an unknown number of people in the crowd clapped and cheered.

"If you're still thinking, 'Where's my jubilee blessing?' It's coming. You be patient, you just keep speaking it in faith, you be thanking the Lord in advance for what he's going to bring to you.

"I mean, we had a jubilee blessing that we didn't even ask for - we got given a Tesla. Hello? You know, we didn't need another car but the abundance of God is for his children, so I'm not going to say I'm going to sell that car, give it away. No, it was given to me."

Brian Tamaki, who describes himself as an apostle, explained his reasons for getting out of Auckland.

"We're on lockdown three in Auckland, that means there's to be no business for seven days. I made a decision with Hannah to go out before the 6am road blockages by the police and we can't get out for seven days.

"I'd be locked in my house. Gardening is okay, but I think I'll be more productive out in the rest of the country."

And he urged his followers not to fear the virus.

"God said that no plague will come near your house: 'I will send angels to guard and look after those who are in the secret place with God'.

Well what do you think of that?

Unfortunately the dupes who give their money to these charlatans most likely won't see it as a further effort to screw money out of them. I'm not going to say that they're idiots as maybe they haven't got enough understanding and awareness of these scamsters and that they're blinded by the faith that they have. They likely won't see the Tamaki's escape as cowardly and opportunistic either, preferring to believe the lies they tell about them doing this in the interests of 'ministry'.

OK, we all do or should know about this Destiny Church and its dodgy practices but this latest gouging on top of shameful and dangerous conduct raises the bar of disgusting behaviour. I just wonder what the public response from the catholic church and other 'established' religions in New Zealand. To my mind they have a burden of responsibility to condemn this.



Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...