Thursday, 23 November 2017


Australia has seen quite a lot of instances of catholic priests fondling children in a sexual way and even their cardinal has been suspect.

It's good to see that a sculptor has depicted what's really going on going by this statue in an Adelaide school:

Blackfriars Priory School

Blackfriars Priory School to redesign 'suggestive' statue of saint and child after online ridicule
 By Daniel Keane

"An Adelaide Catholic school has covered up a statue of a religious icon after it created a stir on social media because of its apparently unintended suggestiveness.
The statue was recently installed at Blackfriars Priory School in Prospect and depicts a 16th century saint handing a bread loaf to a child's outstretched hand.
But, as numerous online commentators have pointed out, the effect is somewhat different.
In the past 12 years, at least two former Blackfriars teachers — Stephen John Stockdale-Hall and Ronald William Hopkins — have been jailed for sexually abusing students at the school.
On Wednesday the school said the design of its new statue looked fine on paper but acknowledged it could be interpreted in a more sinister way.
"The two-dimensional concept plans for the statue were viewed and approved by the [school's] executive team in May but upon arrival the three-dimensional statue was deemed by the executive to be potentially suggestive," principal Simon Cobiac said in a statement.
"As a consequence, the statue was immediately covered and a local sculptor has been commissioned to redesign it."
Mr Cobiac said the embarrassing artwork was created in Vietnam by a sculptor who had done other work for the school."

The've covered it up which is a typical response from the catholic church

Personally I think that the sculptor was " 'Aving a laugh"


  1. Wonderful! This is better stuff from The Curmudgeon Inc.!

  2. Yeah sick. You got that right. I hold to my belief that the the sculptor was making a statement

  3. Robert, why do Christians not admit that, because of the ridiculous celibacy rules and very lax vetting of new members of their religious teaching orders, they have set up a perfect playground for paedophiles?

    Denial is bad and will only perpetuate the problem.



Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...