Sunday, 20 January 2019


The Curmudgeon asked what colour mortal sin was when he commented on Robert's blog recently.

It's an interesting question that doesn't seem to have an answer.
Most people I guess would surmise that it is black as sin is often described in this way but internet searches haven't been definitive.

It's dark so must be a mortal sin.

The so-called Seven Deadly Sins are associated with colour and these have found their way into our sayings and culture:

Pride: violet
Envy: green
Wrath: orange
Sloth: light blue
Greed: yellow
Gluttony: pink
Lust: red 
There's no mention of the colours of Mortal Sin and Venial Sin though.

If Mortal sin is black then Venial sin might be grey. What colour then is Grace? Is it pure white?

Robert being a performing practicing catholic might know. He has the added advantage of being a professional cleaner so no doubt has all sorts of chemicals that can scrub up his graces and could even, with rubbing, turn a Mortal sin into a Venial sin.

Oh the vagaries, intricacies and mysteries of the catholic church.

No wonder everyone is so interested in it.


  1. Technically a mortal sin should smell really bad, though Robert should know.

  2. Robert sounds a bit peevish. Maybe he's tried to clean up his Mortal sins and just smudged them and his holy ghost wasn't pleased.

    I disagree with him about Richard's question about smell of sin though. That is interesting.
    Imagine all those dirty sins being discussed within the confines of that little confessional box. It'd be like big farts going off - bang, bang, bang. The bigger the sin, the more of a whopper the fart - which of course brings in the question of sound. Are Mortal sins noisier than Venial sins? I guess they are.
    Imagine the congregation sitting quietly on their pews when - BANG - a big fart goes off, sorry, a big sin is confessed. This is then followed up by awful sulphurous smells. Everyone would sneak a look and snigger as they see a shamefaced Robert sneaking out of the confessional.

  3. You don't love each other. You socialise with each other in the same way as if you meet at the social security office or at the checkout in Pak 'n' Save.
    This christian or more exactly catholic 'ownership' of the concept of love gets up my nose. It waters down the word and the concept in the same way that the stupid Americans overuse it.



Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...