Tuesday, 29 September 2020

STREWTH! ......

............. it's 'pick on Robert time again.

Robert (the apathetic sinner) has been talking about 'truth' a lot recently.
It's a good example of an oxymoron when he puts it in the context of the Bible, the Catechism and the Catholic Church propaganda that he expounds ......

          ...... no, that can't be right. The definition of 'expound' is:

Expound (verb)

Present and explain (a theory or idea) in detail.
"he was expounding a powerful argument"

Explain the meaning of (a literary or doctrinal work).
"the abbess expounded the scriptures to her nuns"
I don't think that applies to Robert. Maybe 'regurgitate' is the word that I'm looking for as in: "Robert regurgitated what he heard in the sermon at church".

Here are some recent posts made by Robert under his 'apathetic sinner' persona.

          Good luck! 



Relativism is a belief that moral codes can change from culture to culture, or individual to individual.
We've all come across it.
Schopenhauer (Curmudgeon's alias) said truth is a paradox that can neither sit on the throne of error nor time.
Schopenhauer got it wrong. Truth can be absolute. That's why relativism is wrong also.
We must challenge relativism when ever possible.
People who use relativism often begin with "I feel..".
A common example of relativism often used by pro choicers is it is a woman's choice.
When discussing Jacinta I often hear she is so nice.
So next time you hear someone using relativism have the courage to challenge with Truth!
          - Robert the apathetic sinner 25 September 2020.

Plastic can not create plastic

Plastic was invented or created by someone who was not plastic. If she had cut of a plastic finger and said look I created plastic the world would laugh.
Likewise the finite universe which is composed of matter can not have been created by an entity that was itself material. The creator had to be of another substance or else it would not be a creator as it was merely reproducing matter.
This is an example of the cosmological proof of one God.
Anything that creates can not be of the substance of its creation.
There is always a cause and effect.
This can not be an infinite chain.

                    - Robert the apathetic sinner 16 September 2020. 

The Catholic church is the one true church

I just heard the recycling man. I wonder if his name is used by men and women.
There are lots of names that apply to and are used by both sexes.

That's it.

Oh yes and the Catholic church is the one true church.

           - Robert the apathetic sinner 6 September 2020. 

You need a doctrine.

As he drove Kylie and I discussed abortion, euthanasia and capital punishment.
I thought about it all as we cleaned.
On the way back I expelled a treatise.

My treatise went that first we must establish a truth that any individual follows or further argument is pointless.
In my case I have the Apostles creed and two thousand years of inspired thinkers who composed the Catechism of the Catholic Church via the Council of Trent.
Meaning that I believe in one God the Father almighty creator of heaven and earth...
I suggested that most people do not have a creed these days.
It went unsaid that people have an irrational emotive reason to vote either side of the fence.

- Robert the apathetic sinner 27 August 2020



  1. If you want to advertise your blog I suggest that you create another blog and advertise on that.

  2. Well - as a success obviously like The Curmudgeons Inc with 20 blogs.

    Ooops, that sounds like an advertisement but ...... this is my blog so it's OK.



Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...