Wednesday, 3 February 2021



OK, Johnny Rotten might not be the best example to use.

Let's try this one:


Robert who goes by the blog name MEDIEVIL sic BROTHER ROB said in a comment on one of his recent posts:

"I've had a close look at the Catechism of the Catholic Church and I do not find it cruel, vindictive or elitist. Maybe quote something that you do not like from the Catechism and I will do my best to find an explanation based on love and truth."

 I thought that it needs verification so. bear with me, I've had a look at the Catholic Catechism and will here attempt to interpret and or expose as silly, its tenets. This might take a while and may have to carry over to a few posts as there is a lot of silliness in the Catechism.

Here goes ..........

............................ oops! I just discovered that the Catechism of the Catholic Church is 848 pages long and that's just the simple version..
I think we'll give that a miss.

Here are some links to (just a ) few posts I've written with references to the Catechism. Have a look at these and, if you are still interested, I will review the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church and come up with things that I "do not like" and see if Robert can "find an explanation based on love and truth."

I like a good challenge


  1. Well I challenge you to try to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church which is is 848 pages long and see what your opinion is then.



... no, not in my garden thank you.   "My eyes are dim I can not see I have not got my specs with me I have not got my specs with me....