Wednesday, 19 May 2021


 Would the Catholic Church baptise aliens? Would they go to heaven? Or hell? Where the hell is heaven? Or hell? Aren't aliens already 'up there'?

I read this article today:


The writer of the above article suggests that Catholic thought is open and embracing of the possible existence of alien beings and life forms.

"From Origen in the third century to Thomas Aquinas in the 13th to the Renaissance thinkers of the 15th and 16th centuries, there is already a robust set of theological reflections on a host of questions that nonhuman persons on other planets produce.

Did Jesus die for them too? Or would they need their own Incarnation and savior? Or maybe they didn’t have a primeval original sin that disordered their nature and environment and therefore wouldn’t have the “happy fault” that produced our particular history of salvation? Are they governed by our sense of right and wrong or would it be quite different? Or would they be capable of sinning at all?

........ We ended up talking a lot about aliens. He agreed with me that the Catholic intellectual tradition would have absolutely zero problem with the idea of intelligent life — that is, substances of a rational nature (the classic definition of a “person” in my field) — on other planets."

This was stimulated by the recent revelations in USA of possible contacts by airforce planes with flying machines that cannot have originated on earth. There has been a lot of discussion about the possibility of extra terrestrial intelligent life.

OK, I'm willing to embrace it (the idea of it) if true but I do wonder what Robert and the Catholic Church would really do.

This is the institution remember that only begrudgingly recognises women as being intelligent beings and won't allow them to take part in their bizarre and arcane rituals.

It is the institution that forbids contraception, abortion, and sexual relations outside of marriage (yet condones or at least turns a blind eye to illegal and immoral behaviour from their priests, nuns and brothers).

It is the institution that refuses to accept homosexual and transgender people as being remotely normal and won't invite them into their bizarre and arcane rituals including baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Penance, Extreme Unction and marriage.

If there ever does prove to be intelligent alien life forms I really hope that they turn out to be parthenogenesic and have the external characteristics of being female, gay and transgender combined.

They could therefore say to any Catholic missionaries: 

"Why don't you go fuck yourselves?

 I do!"


  1. That was a great response Rob. Problem solved. 😶

  2. I hope that they prey on the pope.

  3. Sounds like these aliens are a lot smarter than us. I doubt you'll see them working in Robert's church shop.



Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...