Monday, 20 September 2021


 Richard wrote a post about Baptism on his blog: HERE

I like it when he says:

Catholics talk quite a lot about the rights of the unborn child and then, after they are born, Bang! You can do whatever you like to them! Catholics also seem to believe that whatever baptism does, you're stuck with it for life - you can never get rid of it. Wouldn't it be better to wait until adulthood and then give the person a choice? No, because Catholics KNOW they are right and they KNOW that baptism is essential.

 He wrote this as a response to some old horseshit that Robert was banging on about to do with sin, salvation and how by being baptised believers get to go to heaven instead of hell.

The whole notion is just too silly and naive for words but ..... has been around for hundreds of years - at least back to the 3rd century AD. Christian believers have embraced this blindly, never seeming to think about it in depth. Why would anyone be born with 'sin' on their soul that requires having it washed away in an arcane and dangerous ceremony. What is 'sin' anyway? Why can't parents wait until their child is old enough to form their own opinion on whether they want to be baptised or not?

I rejected the Catholic mumbo jumbo way too late - when I was about 11. My mother, a staunch Catholic used to call me a 'heathen'. I used to laugh at that.

I wish that I'd been able to reject the baptism thing when I was a baby.


  1. I thought this post was just getting going and then it stopped.

  2. It's important that Robert reads it but his concentration span is limited.

  3. Yes it does sound like a fairy tale although most fairy tales I've heard or read have a much better moral lesson in them - one that's not all about vengeance from a psychotic god.

    It's more like one of those dark Marvel-type superhero movies that Hollywood churns out nowadays.



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