Thursday, 13 January 2022


We all know that the World Wide web is chock-a-block filled  with weirdness and very dangerous ideas but usually think "that's just Richard of Richard's Bass Bag" "that won't come near me" but we are deluded. Weirdness can be just around the corner or, if you are part of a blogging community like I am, emanating  from one of my many several two readers.

Imagine my consternation when perambulating through FaceBook I discovered this:

As if the bizarre image of Robert lying in a coffin wasn't disturbing enough I read this on the cover page:

As I lay alone in my bed I awoke in the early hours and said a short pray (sic) to Mary the Mother of God and heard a voice in broken English say
"Yes you can be with me, but the king must lay on the ground."
I remember when I first heard a voice say "water your spiritual garden". I did not realize (sic) what it meant until a few days after.
I'll wait for revelation or other.

I liked the intro though with :

I have a wonderful wife who is my everything and we live with her son. He has a wonderful son too.

This is sweet and caring and to me, matches what Christian people should be about. It's that other thing, and not just the coffin that scares the bejesus out of me.

I note that the last entry is more tham two years old and hope that Robert doesn't have another FaceBook account where he posts anything more recent. Mind you, it doesn't matter since it's virtually impossible to cancel FaceBook and remove posts and comments so Robert is really 'In the now'.

1 comment:

  1. I was going to leave it for three and a half years to respond to Robert's comment, which is the amount of time it took for "someone read my post" on his Facebook page but that would be just petty. We at The Curmudgeons Inc. are above such things.



Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...