Saturday, 4 June 2022


 Well Robert missed his chance here:


Already touted as the "patron saint of the internet", Acutis created a website to catalogue miracles and took care of websites for some local Catholic organisations. While still in elementary school, Acutis taught himself to code using a university computer science textbook, and then learned how to edit videos and create animation.

"Carlo used the internet in service of the gospel, to reach as many people as possible," the cardinal said during his homily, adding that the teen saw the web "as a place to use with responsibility, without becoming enslaved".

I've said before that to become a saint nowadays you don't have to be roasted alive or eaten by lions.

I wonder though, how you go about getting recognised for supporters to beatify you and set you on the way to sainthood? I've already got two followers on this blog which, given the subject - religion - you'd think is enough.

Some other pretenders to the position are lurking though - Angry Jesus, Catholic Apologist Evil Doctor Richard and Robert the apathetic sanctimonious sinner and toilet cleaner so maybe I should send old Frank my resume.

I've been posting as The Religious Curmudgeon since November 2017 and have written over 100 posts. These have covered a range of important and interesting Catholic topics from the very first one STIGMATA to the last one THERE IS NO GOD.

I admit that sometimes I take a confrontational stance against Catholicism and religions in general but it's healthy for the church to be given a different view of itself sometimes.

I'll wait for Frank to call.

1 comment:


Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...