Thursday, 8 December 2022



Well, no surprises there.

Wikipedia analyses this here:


And an internet search will uncover many considered articles about this for those interested. For the bloggers in this community though, here' s a graph. You like graphs:

Got that? Good - moving on.

 has again been banging on about god, creation and religious things again and he said this in a comment on my last post:

It was that comment that spurred me on to writing this post - why do I not conform?

The other blogger - the sensible one responded to Robert's challenge thus:

You'll pick up from that, that he's also the rude one but he has a point. Why should any intelligent person conform to views held by silly people?

To help in this here's that graph again.

One of the things that Robert and his like-minded Catholics say is that we are "created in god's likeness". Well, why? And, if so, why does this god look like us which quite frankly can be a bit off-putting as I discovered when looking in the mirror this morning after a restless night's sleep.

If there was a creator responsible for the universe and everything in it, why would it look like this?

It's more likely that it would look like this:

or even this:

I doubt that this has convinced anyone and, to be frank* it's not the best essay I've written but remember, this morning I woke up looking like this:

* No doubt we'll get that "and don't call me Frank" joke from Richard.


  1. Good post but please don't call me Frank.

  2. Not only wrong but downright scary.

  3. The mirror image is that of Gahan Wilson one of the world's greatest cartoonists now dead unfortunately.

  4. Those are just the voices in your head. I'd have thought that you were used to them by now.



Religion, what is it? I favour the last of these definitions, the ' pursuit of interest followed with great devotion.' I'm not r...