Friday, 1 March 2024


The other bloggers are more frequently using other languages - Italian or Latin in their comments on posts.

In the case of one of them it's understandable since his blog posts read like they are written by someone for whom English is a second language.  Some of his comments are also delusional. See:

The problem is though that meaning is often lost in translation. 

This got me thinking about the nonsense contained in the Bible, the Sola Scriptura and the Catechism. Maybe it's the fact that these were originally penned in archaic and no longer used languages and then translated into various modern languages before finally being translated into English. A lot can go wrong there.


I thought that I'd select three things from the Catechism that make no sense and write them in Italian which may have been close to the originals in Aramaic, Greek and Latin. Here goes:



Maria era fidanzata con Giuseppe e attendeva con ansia le nozze. Sfortunatamente prima che ciò accadesse, Maria fece sesso con un arcangelo che la fece rimanere incinta. Maria, imbarazzata, disse a Giuseppe di essere miracolosamente incinta. Giuseppe, non essendo molto intelligente, ci credeva.



Quando Maria, la madre del profeta Gesù morì, i seguaci non sapevano cosa dire ai credenti poiché avevano inventato una storia su Gesù che ascende al cielo. Allora ebbero la brillante idea che Gesù, in paradiso, avrebbe trascinato Maria su di sé mediante l'uso di corde e carrucole sotto la copertura dell'oscurità. Non era la più intelligente delle idee ma diciamocelo i credenti non erano proprio dei geni.



Prima che Gesù decidesse di scappare in Gallia con la sua fidanzata Maria Maddalena, appena incinta, organizzò una cena per i suoi amici apostoli. Alla fine propose un brindisi e disse loro: "Ricordatevi di me quando in futuro mangerete pane bianco e berrete vino rosso sangue. Fate questo per me".


Get out your Italian phrase books and see if you can convert these into a sensible language. Hopefully nothing will be lost in translation.


  1. Thank you Mr. Google Translate.

    Richard (of RBB)

  2. I wonder if the people who translated the bible used Mr. Google Translate?

    Richard (of RBB)

  3. Just read (without Google Translate) The Annunciation in italiano. I bet that's not how it was presented in the bible!

    Richard (of RBB)

  4. Christian Doctrine was my worst subject at school. I’ve told you this before.


  5. "Just read (without Google Translate) The Annunciation in italiano. I bet that's not how it was presented in the bible!"
    I thought we were looking at translations. I mean other than Google Translate, where this translation no doubt originated from.
    Let's take an example...
    "Giuseppe, non essendo molto intelligente, ci credeva."
    Just using my knowledge of Italian, I'd translate this as something like, "Joseph, not being very intelligent, believed it."
    Come on, now I wouldn't expect to see that in the bible! Why? Because it goes against what they're trying to preach.*

    Notice how I always write 'the bible' without capitals. That should be a sign that I certainly don't rate the book very highly.

    * Just for a laugh, I just ran the same phrase through Google Translate and got exactly the same result!



... no, not in my garden thank you.   "My eyes are dim I can not see I have not got my specs with me I have not got my specs with me....