Sunday, 10 December 2017


No, not that Dutch 1970s nonsense.

If you persevere in reading this post you will discover what is meant by Hocus Pocus.


I promised that I'd bring you some of the nonsense and inconsistencies as expounded by Catholicism and, to date we've discussed the Stigmata, Relics and Indulgences.
In this post we will look at Transubstantiation or, as the Catholic Church likes to refer to it - The Real Presence.

The Real Presence is the term used to describe the bread and wine in a Catholic Mass. Catholics believe that after the words of consecration have been spoken by the Priest, the bread (host) and wine change their substance to become the body and blood of Jesus. 

When I was an altar boy (ages 7 to 9) I participated in this charade.

Catholics have a special ceremony called Benediction, in which a consecrated host is placed in an ornate case called a monstrance and the people are blessed with it and kneel and pray before it. 

I used to like Benediction better than the Mass because at Benediction which was always on Fridays, I was in charge of the thurible which burnt incense. I used to load it and light it and then, during the service swing it around a bit before handing it to the priest. It had a great smell and, when I was kneeling with it on the floor in front of me it used to make me feel a bit spacey (not Kevin Spacey as in his case it would have been the other way around).

Anyway, Transubstantiation.

Transubstantiation is, according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, the change of substance or essence by which the bread and wine offered in the sacrifice of the sacrament of the Eucharist during the Mass, become, in reality, the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
The Catholic Church teaches that in the Eucharistic offering bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Christ. The reaffirmation of this doctrine was expressed, using the word "transubstantiate", by the Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215.
The manner in which the change occurs, the Catholic Church teaches, is a mystery: "The signs of bread and wine become, in a way surpassing understanding, the Body and Blood of Christ."
  - From Wikipedia.
Now this is right up there with the Easter Bunny, Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy and the saying "I promise that I won't come in your mouth". - All fictitious.

I've made mention in the past about hosts and MassMINE HOST

Anyway, if you want to believe in this nonsense then it's your prerogative.

With regard to 'Hocus Pocus' it's believed that the term comes from the words used by priests in Mass when they say: “Hoc Est Enim Corpus Meum” meaning “For This Is My Body”.

* The Religious Curmudgeon keeping you informed.


  1. Yes, when you look at it like this it does seem a bit silly. I'd like to see what Angry Jesus has to say about this post.

  2. I'd be more interested to hear what Robert says about it.
    It's no fun prodding Robert with a stick if he doesn't bite back.



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