Tuesday, 26 April 2022


 Robert's been banging on about god and Jesus and things again.

It seems that he thinks his deities are helpful to mankind and in some way set examples for us to follow.

My problem with this is that the instructions from Robert's gods are a bit hard to follow - kind of like when you buy something that needs assembling from IKEA or any Chinese manufacturer.

Now I feel qualified to comment on the Catholic Church's teaching as I was brainwashed  subjugated indoctrinated taught the Catechism for about 13 years through Catholic Primary, Intermediate and Secondary schools.

Now I'm not a stupid person but Christian Doctrine was my worst subject and the one that I continually failed in. I guess logic was my strongpoint and I couldn't find any in it.

No doubt I'll bang on about mention it again in the future but here are some examples:

According to Roman Catholic theology, the seven deadly sins are the seven behaviours or feelings that inspire further sin. They are typically ordered as: 
  1. pride, 
  2. greed, 
  3. lust, 
  4. envy, 
  5. gluttony, 
  6. wrath, 
  7. and sloth.

Pride is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins on almost every list. It is the most angelical or demonic out of them. It is also thought to be the source of the other capital sins, known as hubris (from Ancient Greek ὕβρις) or futility.

OK, but when we look at the Ten Commandments that Robert's god lobbed out of the sky down to Moses it seems to me that old goddy is breaking the first deadly sin straight away and is a bit off-key with the others. This of course doesn't even mention the repetition that in the BBC radio game show Just a Minute was certainly a major sin.

Buzzz .... "Repetition".

The Ten Commandments

  1. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me. You shall not make to thyself any graven thing; nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. You shall not adore them nor serve them.
  2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
  4. Honour your father and your mother.
  5. You shall not kill.
  6. You shall not commit adultery.
  7. You shall not steal.
  8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
  9. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife.
  10. You shall not covet your neighbour’s goods.

In commandments one, two and three, apart from the repetition, god seems to be a bit up himself which kind of commits the deadly sins of pride, greed, envy and wrath together.

Now I'd like to give Robert's god and the Catholic Church a fair go, fair go mate, but I do think that we should try and keep things on track.

At this level I'm just asking for consistency. There are a whole lot of other levels that we could investigate - and, of course write more posts about - that defy common sense  and logic. Most of these are embedded in the Catechism like that nonsense about the Eucharist, the Resurrection, the Ascension, the Assumption, Heaven, Hell, Angels, and the Revelation and a whole lot more are to be found in the Bible ( both testaments), Catholic apologists podcasts, Sunday sermons and Robert's blog posts. There's plenty of inspiration to keep us going for quite a while.

I guess, like IKEA and Chinese assembly instructions, a lot of Catholic dogma gets lost in translation.

Monday, 18 April 2022


 I'm really pleased to bring you the latest post from The Blessed Curmudgeon who is working overtime to bring the Church of the Blessed Curmudgeon to reality.


Friday, 15 April 2022



Richard is on something ....... sorry, I don't mean that he's on drugs or anything as he doesn't touch them except for a scary sampling of a hallucinogenic back in the 1970s - his medication of choice is chardonnay with as few labels on the bottle as possible. No, I mean to say that Richard is on to something when he suggested in his latest post that I may be blessed:


Blessed be The Curmudgeon!
"For He shall go forth (with maybe a little bad grammar) and fix things that thou would say was impossible, for He IS The Curmudgeon."
And here:
Let His light shine like a very powerful torch so
that there will be less
shit in the world and
from now on He will be
remembered every

It took him a while to recognise my sacrosanctity but his bestowal of blessedness on me is much appreciated. It is so appreciated in fact that I should appreciate it (in financial jargon) by increasing my wealth and standing because of it. I mean, it's only fair and Brian Tamaki gets away with it.

Yes, you've got it - I'm going to start up my own church THE CHURCH OF THE BLESSED CURMUDGEON.


No, nothing to do with Brian Blessed

It's a good idea of Richard's and fortunately I'm well qualified for the undertaking. At college I was inducted into the 'P' classes starting with 3P in the third form of St Patrick's College. This was the 'God Squad' or training ground for the priesthood so we were fast tracked in the studies of the Catechism and other Catholic doctrines.  Theology was our science and art, not the plebeian version of Christianity that was drummed into the 'G' and even lower classes. This grounding will be important in hoodwinking scamming soliciting support from official agencies, IRD and the general public.

 What will also be of assistance is the fact that, back in that 3P class I discovered that religion, and in particular, Catholicism is a fraud and started off on the path of atheism. "Why would that help" I hear you ask. Well, a good solid grounding in atheism means that a church leader, actually a church creator doesn't get caught up in ethical and moral considerations when deciding to rort the system - not unlike many in the Roman Catholic Church, Destiny Church, Gloriavale and the current pack of bastards at Arise.  One of the little things that I subsequently did, other than refusing to take part in silly sacraments like Confession and Eucharist was, in 4P to start up a business of selling Eucharist hosts (kind of like stale crackers). This excommunicable act puts me ahead of most of the opposition and way up there with Brian Tamaki, John Cameron and the American evangelists.

Way to go!

Personal jets, fancy houses and cars and doting acolytes to come.

I'll keep you posted once I've worked out the details:

  • Tax status
  • Logos
  • Vestments
  • Screening processes
  • Locations
  • The 'bible' or 'catechism' alternative
  • etc.


Wednesday, 13 April 2022


 Robert the apathetic sanctimonious sinner and toilet cleaner - his real title apparently even though it is a bit Freudian - has a lot to say about the weird sacraments of the Catholic Church including Confession.

Here's an example from a post of his where he recounted going to Confession which is a ridiculous construct purported to be a 'sacrament', he came away feeling elated and happy:

"I was totally forgiven for all my infidelities and that I just had to pray for the success of my current marriage. I did that and joy of joys I feel great."
I'm pleased for him and it underscores my belief that there is a place in the world for religions if they just concentrate on making people feel good instead of preying on their fears and insecurities. I do have concerns at his mention of  "the success of my current marriage" though as if he's planning on divorce he needs to be reminded that divorce is not sanctioned under the rules of the Catholic Church. If he does this he will need to go to Confession again ..... oh., I see, it's a continual circle.

Catholicism, especially the silly Catechism is full of contradictions and illogical propositions so the 'sacrament' of Confession is just another one. This catch-all 'out' is used by many bad people who think that they can get away with anything by pulling out the 'I'm sorry' card on their deathbed and getting a free pass at the pearly gates.



I just watched a 2 part documentary on NETFLIX about Jimmy Savile. 

This arrogant and narcissistic bastard believed that he could get away with anything.

He hid in plain sight and in interviews actually alluded to his offending - he is said to have sexually assaulted hundreds of victims aged from 5 upwards in hospitals, on television shows, in his camper van and elsewhere. He was pals with royalty, politician, policemen, celebrities and people in power, most of whom thought he was a good bloke and just making jokes when he said things like:

Host Angus Deayton asks him: “You used to be a wrestler didn’t you?” to which Savile responds: “I still am,” adding, “I’m feared in every girls’ school in the country.”
The audience laughs at the innuendo, which appears to be a reference to the rumours at the time that Savile was a paedophile, something he denied while he was alive.

On his grave's headstone (before it was removed and destroyed) he had this inscription"

It Was Good While It Lasted

It's quite clear from investigations after his death (which should have taken place while he was alive but his friends in high places including the police quashed rumours and the sleazebag used his wealth and fame to  sue complainants) that Savile was a serial sex offender and paedophile - a monster. What he was also was a Catholic. He cynically stated that his god would forgive him. His grand funeral at Leeds Cathedral was officiated by a host of stupid old men in frocks including the ponce Arthur Roche Bishop of Leeds:
Addressing the congregation, the Right Rev Arthur Roche, Bishop of Leeds, said: "Today Jimmy lies at the front of the cathedral where in former years he has remained discreetly hidden at the back in order not to disturb people's prayers or distract their attention from what was taking place at the altar."

What a prat but his fellow cross-dresser  Monsignor Kieran Heskin is even worse:

Addressing the packed church, the Rt Rev Monsignor Kieran Heskin said: "Sir Jimmy Savile can face eternal life with confidence.

"His life story was an epic of giving - giving of time, giving of talent, giving of treasure."
Fuck me!

This was at a time when, despite his employers, the Police and many in power trying to suppress the staggering scale of Savile's offending, other media had been reporting on his activities and clamouring for official investigation.

This blind duplicity is quite typical of the Catholic Church so no wonder Robert comes away from his Sunday Mass and his Confession saying - "and joy of joys I feel great".


Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...