Thursday, 24 November 2022


 Robert, while reminiscing in his latest post, misremembered that a nun who was formative in his education had the 'tile' Sister Mary. See:  MARY IS APPEARING ALL OVER THE PLACE

What little (and now big) Robert didn't and doesn't realise is that the use of 'Mary' in a nuns name is a naming custom whereby most Catholic sisters and nuns have the name “Mary” included in some form in their religious name. The 'religious' name can be anything else that they choose and, bizarrely, can be names usually associated with either gender hence we can see Sister Mary Agatha alongside Sister Mary George.  I don't think that Robert ever had a Sister Mary teach him, at least not in Primary school or in real life.

In his post Robert asserts that Mary is appearing all over the place. There isn't much in the way of fact to prove this in the post but he does mention discovering a book written by some nutter who reckons that she sees The Virgin Mary in the clouds or something which might explain the 'all over the place' reference. It's a wee bit of concern that Robert is a bit furtive in his discovery:

"Anyway, I came across (sic) Annie Kirkwood as I cleaned.
Discarding my cloth and glove I snapped a picture, aware that Kylie might walk in and find me being nonproductive, at any time,"
As follow-up I did a Google search on 'Sister Mary' to check my assumption (not that made-up story in the Catechism about Mary scooting up to heaven) and found this that will be of interest to Robert.



Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...