Monday, 13 March 2023


 I read today that Pope Frank is looking to change the rules and the Catholic Church will in the near future allow priests to marry.

I hope that this does happen as it's long overdue.

I like old Frank - he's dragging the silly Catholic Church, kicking and screaming into the real world and is addressing, not turning a blind eye to its many problems. It's unlikely though that this backward organisation would allow female priests or same sex marriages among priests but it's a start.

Let's look at a domestic scenario with a married priest and his wife:

PRIEST: Mary - have you seen my stole?

MRS PRIEST: It's in your socks drawer. Sheesh! Do I have to know where all of your silly stuff is?

PRIEST: It's not silly Mary. You know that it's important and I have to have ...

MRS PRIEST: Yeah, yeah. Your amice, alb, cincture, maniple, chasuble, dalmatic, surplice - boy, do I need to go on? Boys and their toys.

PRIEST: You know that I have to look good. That Father Devon Haier is always trying to show me up ...

MRS PRIEST: Father 'Debonair' - OK, why don't you marry him then?

PRIEST: Mmmmm  (blushing) ... you know that Il Papa wouldn't allow that - anyway, I'm married to you my sweet.


PRIEST: Look I've got to get going. It's an important Mass this morning with all the kids training for their First Communion ...

MRS PRIEST: Here we go again. It's bloody Sunday. Don't you ever get a day off? I wanted to go to the beach to show off my new swimming costume.

PRIEST: Mary, you knew when you married me that I'd have to work on Sundays and besides - do you think it appropriate for a priest's wife to be wearing those skimpy thong things?

MRS PRIEST: At least it gets me noticed. Umm - do you have to go so early? Why don't you come back to bed for a wee lie-in?

PRIEST: No, I've got to go. Jesus is waiting.

MRS PRIEST: Well put the bloody rubbish bins out on the way!

PRIEST: Sheesh!

MRS PRIEST: And don't forget your silly stole.

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