Thursday, 17 March 2022


I received an email from Tom Mahony, Foundation Chair of the St. Patrick's College Foundation today.

I was tempted to reply that his letter was opportune as I need at least one extra chair for the deck but thought he might not understand, not having read my blog posts and, being a good Catholic, not having a sense of humour.

Here's Tom's letter:

Dear Peter,

Greetings from the St Patrick's College Wellington Foundation

You'll be aware that St Patrick's Day is looking a little different this year as it has since 2022, however, that will not stop us from taking the time to celebrate our successes.

To do so, I wanted to share our Rector I Tumaki - Mike Savali's,
St Patrick's Day Blessing:

May the blessings of St Patrick be with you always and in the work you do.

As a community we are unable to celebrate any form of worship or festivity. However, let us be grateful for a new day...

Me inoi tatou, let us pray.

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

St Patrick. Pray for us.

When Mike speaks to being grateful for this new day, I want to extend that gratitude further and send a heartfelt thank you for the continued support we receive from our Old Boy's.

This has been showcased throughout generations and in 2021 more so through the dedication of time, generosity and a commitment to the future vision of the College.

I want to take this time to thank all of you for your support in all its capacity and have attached a brief report which I shared in College's most recent year book - The Patrician.

I hope you are as proud as I am of all we have achieved through what has been a tough year for many in our community.

If you are able, I hope you find some time in your day to celebrate St Patrick's Day.

We're eagerly awaiting a time when we can welcome our Old Boy's back to the College for events and reunions.

Happy St Patrick's Day!
Sectare Fidem

Tom Mahony

At first I thought that Robert had sent the letter under the guise of Tom Mahony as some parts didn't make sense, others were subject to grammatical errors and there was some dodgy stuff in it as well:

"You'll be aware that St Patrick's Day is looking a little different this year as it has since 2022, however, that will not stop us from taking the time to celebrate our successes."

I don't know what that means.

" ....may God hold you in the palm of His hand."

I don't think I want to know what he's suggesting here.

I can only assume that Tom and Rector Mike Savali only made the 'G' classes when they went to the school.


  1. There was no letter for me and, after all, God's clergy did in fact hold me in the palm of their hands. I wouldn't mind betting that these guys were probably from 3M. I do know that most of the 3R guys went to work in Woolworths and McKenzies. I don't think those stores used possessive apostrophes.

  2. Did you get a letter Robert and if you did, did yours contain an indecent proposal from god via his servants?



Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...