Saturday, 12 March 2022


 I watched the first season of a series on NETFLIX titled The Defeated.

In it a deranged ex US soldier is on a vendetta to eliminate Nazi criminals and sympathisers and the first season ended with him targeting The Vatican and that well-known ally of Hitler, Pope Pius XII.


The character Moritz discovers a Nazi 'ratline' link to The Vatican at the end of the final episode.


From Wikipedia:

While the Vatican was officially neutral during World War II, the Reichskonkordat and his leadership of the Catholic Church during the war remain the subject of controversy—including allegations of public silence and inaction about the fate of the Jews. Pius employed diplomacy to aid the victims of the Nazis during the war and, through directing the Church to provide discreet aid to Jews and others, saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Pius maintained links to the German Resistance, and shared intelligence with the Allies. His strongest public condemnation of genocide was, however, considered inadequate by the Allied Powers, while the Nazis viewed him as an Allied sympathizer who had dishonoured his policy of Vatican neutrality. After the war, he advocated peace and reconciliation, including lenient policies towards former Axis and Axis-satellite nations. 

In The Real Odessa. How Peron Brought the Nazi War Criminals to Argentina (2002), the Argentine journalist Uki Goñi described how the Argentinean government dealt with war criminals who entered Argentina. However, during his research Goñi accidentally stumbled on British Foreign Office documents relating to the involvement of Vatican personnel in the smuggling of war criminals, the so-called post-war "ratlines". Goñi found out that the British Envoy D'Arcy Osborne had intervened with Pope Pius XII to put an end to these illegal activities. Furthermore, he discovered "that the Pope secretly pleaded with Washington and London on behalf of notorious criminals and Nazi collaborators".  

The Catholic Church of course downplays any investigations and publications that suggest that Pius XII had anything to do with the 'ratlines' and with Nazi sympathy and play up everything that he did for Holocaust victims after the war.

The truth is likely somewhere in between.

This doesn't stop Robert ,who is a great defender of Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli. In a very recent post, or comment on a post he said something about Pope Pius XII being a lovely chap or something like that (I couldn't find it so he might have deleted it). Mind you, Robert believes in a holy trinity with three jokers all being the same person and they invented the world and mankind, tried to destroy the world and mankind and then came up with a Hollywood film-type idea to 'save' mankind. Good luck with trying to find any truth there.


  1. Good on you Rob. Close up your mind. Brother Benedict was really a caring guy who just happened to like a bit of young cock and savagely caning young boys. Hopefully god saved him and welcomed him into Heaven.


    I TAKE IT YOU'VE ALREADY FORGOTTEN WHAT YOU WROTE A DAY OR SO AGO: (sorry about the capitals. I just noticed but can't be bothered re-typing.)

    "I think we need to search hard for truth. Truth is not what we say it is. I can make up my own mind about truth but that can be fantasy. Truth needs to be revealed to me. Whether it be through my senses or by inspiration or spiritually. "



Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...