Saturday, 11 May 2024



I wrote a silly post about Catholic saints and their bogus exploits see: HERE

This is part of a sort of a series where I, usually after Robert has banged on about some histrionic cloistered virgin in a nunnery who saw Jesus, knocked off a post of either some 'real' according to the Catholic Church saint or one that I just invented. It's hard to tell the difference.

In the latest post I made this comment myself:

It is time that the Catholic Church and indeed any Christian organisations - any religions really - started treating people like intelligent humans and stopped pushing hogwash to them.

I cannot understand why mature, educated and reasonably intelligent people can buy into concepts of a god or gods creating them and ruling their lives. If that wasn't preposterous enough the religions - and the Catholic Church seems to be the best or worse at this, fabricate all sorts of bizarre and mystical nonsense to obfuscate the shallowness of the concept. Resurrected beings who miraculously go up to a heaven feature quite a bit along with the notion of said heaven and its counterpart hell for the non-believers and miscreants. As if that wasn't enough - WAIT THERE'S MORE - Christianity propagates (it borrows most of the nonsense from older religions) the idea of virgin birth, ascension and assumption into heaven, being cast down into hell, consuming the real flesh and blood of a living Jesus, being born with original sin and only baptism into the relevant religion will wash it away, sinning all the time requiring confession, absolution and penance usually accompanied with gifting and tithing. I could go on but you know the rest.

All this shit is packaged up like a gift-wrapped turd and presented to a surprisingly willing populace. We can't blame social media for this which itself dupes a surprisingly willing populace because religion has been hog-washing people since day dot and is both directly and indirectly responsible for wars, genocide, social unrest, murders, family disruption and just about everything bad in the world - all while hiding behind some presumption of goodness and love. Give me a break.

I'd like Robert to comment on this and seeing that he subscribes to Catholic websites and publications and follows podcasters like Trent Horn and other Christian and Catholic apologists maybe he could solicit comment from them. Failing that he could just stick his hand up at Mass - during the sermon so he doesn't disrupt the mumbo-jumbo - and ask the priest why Middle Ages and earlier thinking and writings with its associated ill-informed and superstitious beliefs still dominate Christian thinking and worship today in the twenty-first century.


  1. Disinterested now.

    Richard (of RBB)

  2. So, does Robert agree with what Peter (aka The Religious Curmudgeon) wrote now?

    Richard (of RBB)

  3. I have a problem with the Church’s teaching on transubstantiation. Please toss some thoughts at me.


  4. Yes, I'd like to hear about this.

    Richard (of RBB)

  5. Well put Rob!!

    1. Well, put anyway. It’d be better if he put it away.

  6. "This is born out today when you look around at all the miserable non Catholics."
    That is a weird statement to make Roberto. Were you 'seeing things in sky' when you thought it up?

  7. Yes, talking out of the top of your head fits.

  8. That’s the way that Kristi Noem might try and describe it.




Today I watched a live-stream funeral service for my uncle at Our Lady of Kapiti Catholic church. I was impressed, not by the religious side...